Stand out on social media

Social media expert Anna Rump of Amelia Rose Media offers suggestions on how to stand out, using Pinterest and blogs

16 May, 22

Social media expert Anna Rump of Amelia Rose Media offers suggestions on how to stand out from your competitors, using Pinterest and blogs

Give social media more muscle 1

Long sunny days mean open windows, vases of flowers and fresh towels…on every social media image the kitchen and bathroom industry posts between now and October. So how exactly do you make YOUR business stand out?

The good news is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. At this time of year there are two main tools at your disposal; Pinterest and blogs.

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Pinterest is the home decor enthusiast’s first port of call. But did you know that each and every image is carefully matched against specific key words and descriptions designed to make the viewer click through to your website?

For every image of a product you want to promote, you can pin this to your boards and put the description underneath.

This short couple of lines will encourage the user to click “read” and suddenly they find themselves on your website and spoiled for choice.

You can have boards for anything, from fixtures and fittings to colour schemes and soft furnishings. The more create your boards, the greater your appeal.

The key to having a brilliant Pinterest account is to do the research. You need to know what keywords your audience is looking for, and how to use them to the greatest effect within the long tail descriptions.

If Pinterest is something you are considering then make sure you use a specialist- it’s more complicated than Instagram but a lot of fun!


Blogging is another great way to boost your website traffic, and improve your SEO results.

However, it isn’t as simple as writing about a product and putting in all the keywords you have found. In fact, that can damage your SEO and is called “keyword stuffing”.

Instead, look at what products you want to promote and then show the reader HOW to use them in a way that gives then a solution; be it more space, more storage, more light, easier to use handles. The list is endless.

By positioning yourself as a problem solver, you invite people to look deeper into your range and subtly you become the “go to”.

For the kitchen and bathroom industry, social media is more complicated than “just having a Facebook page” – you need to be able to use LinkedIn (B2B mainly), Instagram (B2C mainly), Pinterest and, yes, even Twitter to show the scope and character of your firm.

Do that, and your social media will have real standout.

Read more as Anna Rump advises kbb owners how to give social media more muscle by being proactive not reactive.