Clearwater Products | How dual flow taps can boost sales

Business & product development manager at Clearwater Products Daniel Boulton says dual flow taps provide powerful selling points

24 May, 24

Business & product development manager at Clearwater Products Daniel Boulton says dual flow taps, with powerful and water efficient sprays, make for a powerful selling points

Clearwater Products | How dual flow taps can boost sales

With all the cooking, cleaning, and food prep that goes on in the kitchen, it’s no surprise that sustainability in this high-traffic space is becoming a hot topic.

Yet one key source of waste often slips under the radar — the humble tap.

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Traditional taps can waste gallons of water even during simple tasks like rinsing dishes. Fortunately, a small tweak in tap design could be the game-changer that retailers, and your customers, are looking for.

Dual-flow tap technology

Smart taps with dual-flow technology offer two distinct water flow options accessible with a simple twist of the aerator.

Clearwater Products | How dual flow taps can boost sales 1

This flexibility can turn an ordinary kitchen tap into a versatile, water-saving marvel and it’s this that is making Clearwater Twist and Spray taps such a popular option.

Such smart taps give users a choice between two types of water flow: a gentle aerated stream and a concentrated jet spray.

The aerated flow mixes air with water, resulting in a softer, fuller stream.

This setting can be used for everyday tasks like filling pots, washing hands, or gently rinsing delicate produce without a splash.

The concentrated jet spray, on the other hand, should not be underestimated.

It can be used for tougher jobs like blasting away stubborn food particles from dishes, cleaning sinks, or even tackling outdoor projects.

This powerful spray allows users to direct water precisely where it’s needed, reducing waste and cutting rinse time.

The jet spray uses less water too, forcing a smaller volume of water through a narrow exit.

For retailers, this versatility can be a strong selling point alone, add the extra benefit of water saving it becomes very appealing to a wide range of customers.

Water-saving solution

Arguably, the real beauty of these taps lies in their efficiency. The ability to switch between a gentle stream and a focused jet means users can use less water without sacrificing performance.

Clearwater | Twist & Spray Tap

This is a win-win for sustainability and customer satisfaction. By promoting such technology, retailers can tap into the growing market of eco-conscious consumers who want to make greener choices in their kitchens.

For retailers, stocking smart taps with dual-flow technology is an opportunity to offer customers a product that meets their sustainability goals while providing practical benefits.

These taps are versatile, user-friendly, and effective, making them a perfect addition to any kitchen setup.

By promoting these small design tweaks, retailers can encourage customers to choose a more sustainable path without compromising on performance