Six tips to improve sales conversions

Know your products and competitors

21 Jan, 19

Commercial director of Displaysense, Carrie Gilbertson offers her top tips for improving sales conversions in your showroom

6 tips to improve sales conversions 1

In the era of Amazon, fast e-commerce and the instant gratification offered by buying online, the number of people who go and physically shop is down.

But for some purchases – including kitchens and bathrooms – there will always be a need for people to see items in the flesh, feel the materials and textures, and measure up for their spaces.

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For big-ticket purchases, such as bathroom sales or kitchens, it can be more difficult to convert browsers to buyers.

But there are a number of ways you can approach the process without customers feeling like they are being pushed into a decision

  1. Create a welcome

It’s key to create a good welcome journey for those visiting you in-store.

Get to know your customers, engage with them and build a rapport.

But don’t be too pushy – overly ‘salesy’ salespeople are the number one gripe of most shoppers

2. Listen to customers

Tailor your offer to their needs.

Make it personal to them and help them to imagine how the bathroom would work in their house, or how you could customise the kitchen to include the island they’ve always wanted.

Do they love to cook? Mention the option to have appliances, including the microwave built in, or the option to include an instant boiling water tap.

3. Know your products

This is absolutely essential. How many times have you been in a store and asked for a certain style of item, or help browsing, only to be give zero information by the staff?

When you’re expecting customers to make a decision as big as how their bathroom or kitchen will look, you have to be equipped to answer all the questions they have.

Provide genuinely useful information that isn’t rehearsed and hone in on USPs.

4. Know your competitors

What is different about your offering and the services you can provide? Why should they buy from you and nobody else?

5. Suggest add-on sale

Highlight any ‘no-brainer’ add-ons but don’t go for the hard sell, as this can be off-putting.

6. Make it simple

Ultimately, consumers are looking for a hassle-free, trustworthy customer experience.

Identify where their pain points or misgivings might be, help them to feel reassured and make them feel like they are getting a great deal.

For further reading see 6 tips to maximise profit.