Put independent retail at heart of election, Bira pleads

The British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) has urged all pollical parties to make the revival of the independent retail sector a top priority in their manifestos.

10 Jun, 24

The British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) has urged all pollical parties to make the revival of the independent retail sector a top priority in their manifestos.

Inflation fall is step to bringing customers back to high street, reports Bira

In a passionate plea, Bira’s CEO Andrew Goodacre said urgent action is needed from the next government to protect the UK’s ailing high streets and the independent retailers that are their lifeblood.

The association cited low retail footfall in May was “concerning” and “disappointing”, following the British Retail Consortium (BRC) IQ Footfall Monitor.

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Bira has launched a manifesto to set out a vision and series of demands to revitalise town centres, but said it requires genuine political commitment to be realised.

The key demands in Bira’s manifesto include:


  • Reduce or preferably eliminate business rates. Bira seeks to make a permanent 75% reduction and would also like to see the multiplier lowered to 35p in the pound.
  • Implement policies to drive economic growth, bolster consumer confidence and spending.
  • Invest in high streets nationwide, with decision-makers consulting independent retailers.
  • Fund to help smaller retailers invest in environmental sustainability and technology.
  • Reduce the cost burden of operating on the high street, including flexible commercial energy contracts and increasing the employer’s NI allowance to offset National Minimum Wage hikes.
  • Combat the growing threat of retail crime through increased police presence and better protection for staff and owners.
  • Review the Landlord and Tenant Act to provide tenants with better protection, investment certainty, and removal of upward-only rent reviews.

Andrew Goodacre said he was appealing  directly to party leaders, and added: “Put independent retailers at the forefront of your agenda.

“The current climate poses grave challenges that threaten these businesses’ very existence and the vibrancy of our high streets.”

He said: “The upcoming election is a pivotal crossroads. We urge all parties to study our manifesto and commit to a new era of policy putting indie retailers first.

Their survival underpins our high streets’ identities as community hubs.”


Bira’s manifesto paints a vision of high streets as diverse spaces fostering sustainability, inclusivity and economic growth.

However, it has warned this cannot be achieved without “major” reforms to ease the burden on independent retailers.